Offer and ship our products to España and Balearic Islands.
This website belongs to Torres Fedelich S.L.U., street Sastres 1, Ciutadella de Menorca CIF: B07556533, your customer service 971 380 749.
To purchase may do so through our website or if you prefer by phone 971 380 749.
In the case of a telephone order, our sales department will ask all the information necessary to carry out this request and send you a proof of purchase via mail or fax, to be able to track same.
Delivery service. Delivery time 5 business days. Failure to be present at the time of delivery will be left a note for you can contact the carrier and request a new delivery or to retire in the offices for that purpose.
You can make payments by credit card, Visa, Mastercard or Euro6000: simply provide your card number and expiration date. In this case, your data will be encrypted and sent under secure server virtual TPV Banco Santander.
When a product is added to our catalog means it is in stock. However, due to the high number of requests it is possible that a product could be exhausted in these cases our sales will contact you immediately to inform the incidence and a new deadline and will be offered a product similar characteristics. Orders will be handled in strict order of receipt.
Once informed of the impact and if the client is no longer interested in the product order will be canceled at no cost to the customer.
Note that when an order leaves our warehouse, it is not possible to cancel and must receive the request complies with the conditions previously chosen and accepted. Has 7 days to return it by the means indicated in our return conditions
Our prices include VAT.
Shipping charges are added to the total order through an automated process that responds to the scales calculated according to weight and volume localization and package. The amounts of shipping cost always include insurance required by law. For special requests or specific volumes, the study of postage charge as the order.
We reserve the right to change the amount of freight charge, without prior notice regarding changes in transport fares.
All products carry the warranty period provided by the manufacturer.
Try to send instructions in Castilian of all products to be valid to the manual in English or the language of origin of the product. If you have any questions about the operation or assembly of product purchased, please contact our Commercial Department at tel.: 971 380 749 or by email at
We guarantee a safe buy. For your safety and in accordance with current legislation, verify that at any time solicit or accept your credit card details. To ensure the confidentiality of your purchase card payments are made directly to the website of Banco Santander, through a payment gateway (TPV-Virtual) that will send from our store at the time of payment through a secure link.
Our delivery time is set at a maximum of 5 working days in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, except the island of Menorca to be 2 days.
In a possible verification of customer data may be requested to send a copy of your DNI card or residence card in order to confirm the same.
For a possible request for verification of the order, this shall be done by sending an appropriate budget to be returned signed and accepted by the customer.
In any case, without prejudice to the foregoing, the delivery start counting after receiving your order into our system (to changes in the status of orders, always receive a notice in the form of renovation of your order).
We reserve the right to cancel the order, which will be paid in any of the following cases:
Can not make the delivery when it is attempted on three occasions.
Unable to contact the customer within 9 days after the first attempt of delivery.
If the product is not satisfied you have 7 days, counting from the date of receipt of the goods to be returned.
Should the customer inform us by email including: order number, name, address, telephone number and the product you want to return. You can also call us at 971 380 749.
The return must be made in the same carrier that made the delivery and postage prepaid. No collect shipments due to shipping without permission.
The full amount of purchase is returned to the client to be agreed by both.
The amount will be delivered in any case, upon receipt of the items in our home, after checking the status of the goods must be unused and in original packaging.
In the event that, in return, the item is not in the above conditions shall be sent to the client, charged extra for postage.
For the item shipped is not chosen by the customer, defective or damaged, the customer must return after reception and review article.